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Life- downhill from 40? Or just beginning?

I turned 40... umm...almost a few years ago now. I wasn't too worried about it. I felt like I was in a good place and quite accomplished with my life. I had a good, stable job as a teacher, we had just bought our home on the river as we had always wanted, had been on our dream trip to America.... life was good. Turning 40 was great!! Or was it?!

a woman in a profile picture with a pink blurred background
My profile picture with a new background thanks to pfpmaker.comthe

40 is great!!

Some will say it's all downhill from 40, others will say life is just beginning. I must say, I stand equally between both of these. On the one hand, I have loved my life since turning 40! I have less of a care factor on what people think and am generally more confident within myself, I have a great family and group of friends who are always up for having a good time. I feel respected professionally and good at my job. So yeah. Life after 40 is pretty good.

Sorry, has there been a mistake?? 40!! Not 50!!

On the other hand.... if I wake up in the morning without back pain I think I've died in my sleep. My allergies are so bad I'm not sure if I'm actually NOT allergic to anything... or if I'm allergic to pretty much everything. My asthma now sounds like crackles and wheezes every morning. I have to eat lettuce leaves... only.... if I want to lose weight- which I do. My allergies make me sneeze and whoop there it is! Back goes out again. Oh, and did I mention rolling over in bed and straining a hip flexor??? True story. What on earth is this 40s business??! Like, are you freaking kidding me????

A picture of a woman at a vineyard wearing sunglasses
Photo at a vineyard on my 40th- things were looking good then!

Sometimes I feel like physically, I can't catch a break. I'm too young for this!! Shouldn't I turn 50 and then be riddled with all of these ailments? (Then again, I have always enjoyed being an overachiever. Ha) Just when I've seen the chiropractor for my neck and back and I'm feeling good, a migraine hits and lays me up for 2 days. The auras and blind spots kill me. If I can't see there isn't much I can do. Then I get the 2 for 1 bonus of the hungover feeling without even downing a single drink!! (I wanna refund!)

Anyone up for the job of PA???

All of a sudden I realise, I don't have time for a full-time job! I need to fit in all of my appointments. (Insert eye roll here). Here is a list of appointments I need to make and schedule into my work life:

*Dentist (it's been 2 years oops)

*Chiro (Can't seem to last 2 weeks without treatment)

*Immunologist (To find out if I am sick from mould or a combination of other allergies)

*MRI (To see why I have debilitating back pain 24 hours a day and can only sleep on my right side... oh and add the migraines in as well... I'll see if they can do the head and back at once- another 2 for 1 deal?? Is this a 40+ thing?? Insert another eye roll)

*Pap smear (Again I'm overdue... and I shouldn't be... need to prioritize this... kicks self up the arse)

*GP (Referrals and script updates)

*Skin specialist (a sunspot on my nose among others)

So when on earth am I supposed to fit all of these in?? This is not even considering the fact that I have teenagers who also need things! Sometimes life feels like one big rollercoaster ride and I wanna get off!! (I must be pre-menstrual... rant over... eek)

A woman drinking coffee in a cafe
42 year old me- using a filter so I can still pretend I'm youthful

Plan of Attack??

So what did I do? I made a plan and put it into action. I have taken a couple of courses, gained some new skills and started an online business. My plan means that next year, I can take a step back from teaching and breathe a little. Don't get me wrong, I'll be working. I'm going to be teaching some dance classes, tutoring some kids and working on my online business. So, really, not many less hours.... but work with flexibility. I will be my own boss and work my own hours. I tell you what? I CAN'T FREAKING WAIT!! I can't wait to answer to me! I mean... I'm a hard task master and don't accept anything less than the best from meeeee... but at least I know what I want and I know how to deliver it. If it comes to the point where I need a break, it's only me I need to convince. Sometimes I stop and wonder if this is really real. Then I look myself in the mirror and say, "Well shut the front door- IT IS!" And why? Because I made it happen.

My Advice to you?

Many people I have spoken to, or bumped into lately, have said that they are watching me very carefully. Why, you ask? Because they also have a different idea of what they would like to be doing 'post 40,' but they don't know how. Or maybe they aren't feeling brave enough? Either way, they are watching me to see if I can succeed, so they know they can too. I'm going to leave you with this:

Yes you can.

Yes you should.

Ask me for help! (If you want to run an idea by someone)

Be brave. You've got this.

'Til next time,

Heart logo for love Josie

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