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Finding Work/Life Balance-Earn Online Income

I have always worked. I have always loved my job. I always knew that I would be a 'worker' and wouldn't do well staying home. I need to be busy and feel mentally challenged and stimulated. Some people enjoy being at home and I totally see the benefits of doing so. It just isn't for me.

I love teaching children. There isn't even a 'but' coming.... ok there is! But it's only a 'but I don't like being locked into a full-time job with set hours' kind of but. I will always have something to do with teaching children. Today, however, I received a call from my son's school for about the 6th time this year- no joke. The illness surrounding us all this year is beyond crazy! I'm finding it harder and harder to find that work/life balance as a Mum with children still at school. I keep needing to take sick leave or carer's leave. Whilst that is okay in one respect- I have sick leave accrued to take a whole term off if I need to- it is not ideal when my job involves teaching very young children and they need me. They need the consistency and familiarity of their regular teacher. Teacher guilt is a real thing, as we know our decisions and lives affect others. Mum guilt, however, is even bigger than that. When it comes down to it, there is no question. Mum first.

Mum Guilt

3 boys looking at the 3 sisters rock formation
Spending Family time with my boys

This then leads me to the other side of this 'double-edged sword'- the money. I am lucky to be paid for my sick days. Many others do not. This can have such a huge impact on our lives and mental health. Thoughts go something like this:

  • I have to work

  • My child is sick.

  • I need to stay home.

  • I can't afford to stay home.

  • How do I win here?

  • Continues to beat up self about what to do and unhappy with both answers.

Sound familiar?? I have heard this so many times. Times are tough and the need for money is higher than ever. Most houses already have 2 incomes coming in and ends are barely meeting. My suggestion, you ask???

Digital Marketing!!! Earn an online income!

The answer is right in front of our eyes! How have we missed this for so long?? I personally think we haven't missed it. We have just been afraid of things we can't see and what if we get scammed? The good news with digital and affiliate marketing is that there is very little outlay and the risk of being scammed is very low.

The landing page for business website
My 'Squeeze' page for my new business website

Take the Roadmap to Riches course for example. It costs $750 Australian. 100+ video modules teach you how to build your online business from the ground up. It also goes through setting up your website and even marketing and SEO (search engine optimisation). Even if you never resell this course again, wouldn't you say that $750 was worth it? Nobody gave me anything other than knowledge and skills when I did my Teaching Degree.... and that cost me thousands!!! The Roadmap comes with master resell rights and you can resell it over and over and over. That means you are making $750 every time somebody buys it from you. And believe me, they are going to w ant to when they hear about the success you are having!

You can also use your newly acquired skills for other purposes. Somebody needs a website, doesn't want to buy the course because they don't have time to do it... but has been quoted $5000 to have it built for them! So, why not charge them less and offer to build their website for them? I mean, you can now... you have done the course! Aim your marketing at specific types of small businesses and specialise in that area. Hairdressers? Florists? Candle makers? Crystal suppliers? The possibilities are endless. And guess what?? All from the comfort of your own home! Sick kids, well kids, big kids, little kids- DOES NOT MATTER!!

The cover of an ebook about saving money
My eBook about saving money- $7 in my Stan Store

The Answer??? Earn income online = work / life balance!

So ladies and gentlemen! I think we have found our answer to the work/life balance dilemma..... WORK FOR YOURSELF WITH AN ONLINE BUSINESS!!! Applause please....

In addition, you can branch out and offer your own digital products. I have 2 eBooks and many free guides for sale in my Stan Store. They are based around my 2 passions- Finance (Money Saving Hacks for Young Adults) and Education (Top 20 HSC Study Tips). My next one I am currently working on is "Strategies to Encourage Reading Success at Home." I am sure everyone has a passion of some kind. If not, offer tips and tricks on how to start affiliate or digital marketing? I'm sure you have some knowledge on that one...

So, to sum up- Find the work / life balance by earning income online from the comfort of your own home!

I will leave you to ponder those thoughts...

You know where I am if you need me...

'Til next time...

dear josie logo with heart shape

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